
Friday, February 14, 2014

Benefits of a High-Protein Diet

High-protein diets are characterized by a high intake of lean proteins, such as turkey and beans. Typically high-protein diets also are characterized by a decrease in carbohydrate intake. If you have been considering upping your intake of protein and wondered what the benefits are, you will find that there are a few good reasons to do a high-protein diet.

Fat burning

    By making proteins, not carbohydrates, the main staple of the diet, your body will burn fat instead of carbohydrates. When the body uses fat for energy in this manner, it is called ketosis. Typically, this results in weight loss as fat is constantly being used for energy. For the best results, you should try to eat 1 to 1.5 grams of protein per 1 pound of body weight per day. Spread this out over your meals and focus on grams of protein per pounds of body weight as opposed to calories per day. For example, if you weigh 150 pounds, you should try to eat between 150 to 225 grams of protein per day. The HeartSpring website has ideas of what you can eat that is high in protein.

Decrease in hunger

    According to Nutrition News for Healthcare Providers, high-protein diets increase satiety. This means that you feel full sooner. As a result, hunger is decreased and there is not as much snacking throughout the day. This also contributes to weight loss.

Stabilize blood sugar

    Diabetics who are on a high-protein diet could see a stabilization in blood sugar. This typically happens due to eating less sugar and carbohydrates as the body's insulin response is blunted, according to Nutrition News for Healthcare Providers. The body does convert protein into glucose, but it does so at a much slower rate. If you are diabetic, you should consult your physician before changing to a high protein diet.


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