
Friday, April 18, 2014

Simple Carbohydrate Diet

The simple carbohydrate diet is designed to treat those suffering from irritable bowel syndrome, Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis, celiac disease, candidiasis, cystic fibrosis and autism.
While it is called a diet, the simple carbohydrate diet is not meant for weight loss; instead, you may actually gain weight. As the name suggests, the diet limits your dietary intake to simple carbohydrates.

Simple Carbohydrate Food Guideline

    The simple carbohydrate diet only allows simple carbohydrates.

    Foods that are permitted include meat, poultry, fish, eggs, yogurt, cheese, nuts and fats. You can also include non-starchy vegetables and whole fruits. If you are not obese, you can include honey in your simple carbohydrate diet. Sweeteners that contain no carbs are also allowed.

    Foods to avoid include fruit juices, grains (including rice), sucrose sugar, molasses, milk, soy beans, white potatoes, margarine, corn, malt and corn fructose.

What to Expect

    If you previously suffered from irritable bowel syndrome, malabsorption or were underweight, the diet is designed to help you gain weight. If your malabsorption caused you to become obese, the simple carbohydrates in fruits, vegetables and some beans may need to be restricted.

Sample Menu

    For breakfast eat an egg, baked apple with honey, if permitted, a muffin made from almond flour, and a cup of coffee.

    For lunch have a tuna salad containing dill pickle, radishes and chives. Eat the tuna wrapped in lettuce. Also have pumpkin custard and tea.

    For dinner try spaghetti with a mushroom and squash meat sauce. Have a side salad using oil and vinegar for dressing. Have a piece of fresh fruit and a zero-carb beverage.

Length of Diet

    The simple carbohydrate diet should continue for at least six to 12 months, after which you should slowly introduce other foods into your diet.


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