
Monday, March 17, 2014

High Protein Low Carb Diet

The key to eating a low carb high protein diet is planning ahead. Many foods are not allowed, and to avoid cheating you will need to have foods you can eat on hand. This diet encourages limited consumption of all carbohydrates--with refined carbohydrates banned completely-- and eating high amounts of protein. These restrictions can make finding dessert options challenging.

Low Carb High Protein

    The low carb high protein diet is a very popular diet that stresses dramatically, or completely, eliminating carbohydrates from your diet while increasing protein. The idea being that the refined sugars that are the main ingredients in many foods today are the cause of America's obesity issue. Instead of refined sugars or carbohydrates, eat more proteins, fruits and vegetables. People starting the diet should restrict what they can eat while people who have been on the diet for a while can start to incorporate starches again.


    Eat like a caveman. Cavemen would hunt animals and then combine them in a meal with fresh fruits and veggies. Carbohydrates came in the form of whole grains or root vegetables. This is what the low carb high protein diet recommends. For people just starting the diet, a good dinner would be a cut of meat with some mixed greens. The diet allows you all the fat you want, so doctoring up your veggies is easy to do. Sauteeing greens like chard or spinach in olive oil or butter makes them more palatable for people not used to eating them.

    Almost any type of protein is acceptable under this diets guide lines. Veggies high in starch like squash, carrots, or artichokes should be eaten on a limited basis. Leafy vegetables can be consumed with no limitations. Starches such as potatoes or whole grains should be consumed on a very limited basis, depending on your stage of the diet. Bread or white rice is almost forbidden.


    Dessert on this diet can be very similar to desserts prepared for diabetics which contain little sugar. Except that the low carb dieter also must watch for any carbohydrates. No more cakes or pies. Think instead about berries covered in unsweetened cream. This type of dessert is high in fat and vitamins but low in carbohydrates. Things like no added sugar or melon can be eaten in moderation at later phases of the diet. Again use the caveman model, if a caveman would have it for dessert it's probably ok on this diet.


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