
Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Weight Loss Cleanse & Flush

Weight Loss Cleanse & Flush

Cleansing and flushing your body is much like getting an oil change for your car. After a certain number of miles, or rather months of processed foods, food dyes, chemicals and fats, it's important to flush out the old so you can run at optimum levels again. The added bonus to such a regime is weight loss. Cleansing and flushing is a great way to jump start a new diet, or a begin a new healthy eating program, or simply lose a few pounds so you don't feel so guilty the next time you order fries instead of salad.

Pills or Diet

    There are two paths to cleansing. One is strictly dietary, adhering to a strict regime of water, pureed fruits and pureed vegetables for 4 to 10 days. Some people skip the fruits of veggies all together and just drink water with a teaspoon of maple syrup, a teaspoon lemon and a pinch on cayenne pepper. Whatever you do, drink plenty of water. At least eight 8-oz. glasses of water a day, if not 12.

    The second path is supplements and herbs. There are many herbs to aid your cleanse, such as psyllium husks, false unicorn root and turmeric root. When starting any new health regime consult your physician, who should have a storehouse of information and advice. Many physicians today completely support cleansing and flushing, so don't be afraid to ask.

What to Expect

    Many people say cleansing is much easier than they expected. You may feel tired the first day, but many cleansers report increased energy after day one. You may also experience irritability, but this, too, dissipates. One common thread for those cleansing is that your bowel movements look and feel different. Some people report feel a warming sensation when they expel. Others experience seeing fat deposits or plaque, and some claim to have seen worms. Sometimes the shape of your bowels changes. All those changes are most likely perfectly normal. However, if you have any doubts, call your physician and ask. Drink lots of water, and do not exert yourself beyond light exercise of calm walks, light swimming and stretching.


    When you end a cleansing and flushing of your system you will need to slowly start introducing food into your diet. For the first 24 hours add only steamed vegetables, broth and rice. Within 48 hours you can introduce some bread, cereal and fish. Within 72 hours you can add everything, save fried foods, processed foods, white sugar and food with coloring. You can also return to your exercise regime. Be sure to keep up your fluids by drinking at least eight glasses of water daily and enjoy feeling clean, energetic and lighter. Most people cleanse and flush about three to four times a year.


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