A lemon cleanse is useful for those who want to detoxify their body and lose weight. Lemon juice flushes out the toxins through excretion via the colon, and it also helps to restore the pH levels of the colon. A lemon cleanse is easy to follow and can be done by anyone who wants to clean out their digestive system, lose weight and detox the body.
Preparing for the Diet
Prepare for the lemon cleanse diet a couple of days before starting the actual diet. Stop using any harmful chemicals, such as nicotine, caffeine, medications and other drugs, if possible. Cut back on refined sugars, fatty foods and junk foods. Starting slow will help you ease into the lemon cleanse so you have a better chance of sticking to your diet.
Following the Diet
The lemon cleanse diet is easy to make. Using fresh lemons, squeeze enough juice for the day, usually from two to three lemons. You will also need organic grade B maple syrup, which can be found in health food stores and online, as well as cayenne pepper. To 8 oz. of water, add 1 tsp. each of the lemon juice and syrup, and a few dashes of cayenne. Mix well and drink. This mixture can be drunk six to eight times a day.
Eat no other foods while on the lemon cleanse diet. Herbal teas may be drunk, provided they are caffeine-free with no added sugars or creams.
What to Expect
When you are on the lemon cleanse, you can expect to lose weight as your colon is being cleared out of the toxins and impurities that have been built up over the years. A few mild side effects may occur, such as diarrhea or cramping. Fatigue can also occur as your body adjusts to dieting on a drink alone. As the toxins are excreted from the colon, you may feel less bloated, which can lead to increased energy for some.
The lemon cleanse diet can be performed for up to 21 days. However, for beginners, the diet can be done for three to seven days to start. Always talk to your doctor before performing this or any diet, to make sure that it is right for you.
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