Due to modern technology we now have the ability to decrease the time it takes to prepare our meals. We have also become spoiled by better ways of cleaning our homes and transporting ourselves from one place to another. Due to this ability to live more wholesome lives we have also created toxins that can get into the body and weaken our immune system, causing disease and sickness. It is extremely important the body is detoxed frequently. A seven-day cleanse is a start.
When detoxing the body, elimination has two purposes: eiminating wastes from the body and eliminating certain foods from our diets. The next seven days will be a challenge for you especially if you have not had a detox before. First, you want to ensure you safely enter a detox diet. Either the day before and the first day of your diet, refrain from all meats, sodas, coffee and tea. Eliminating these foods will ease the digestive system considering it is not working as hard to digest meats and complex sugars. You also want to help the digestive system eliminate toxins from the body. There can be years of mucous buildup that has hardened. As a result, this buildup can block portions of the digestive track. It will take more than seven days to eliminate years of buildup. In seven days, however, you can get the system to start cleansing itself. Consider a more prolonged detox diet in the future.
During the next seven days a very inexpensive, yet effective cleanse is a saltwater cleanse. Boil 4 cups of water and add 2 teaspoons sea salt. Do not use iodized salt. It is best to use unrefined sea salt. You can purchase this from many health food stores. Allow the mixture to cool and drink all 4 cups. You will experience a bowel movement generally within 60 minutes. Do this daily for the full seven days.
The Next Seven days
You have many different types of detox diets to choose from. Two of the most popular and less expensive are juice diets and raw fruit and vegetable diets. If you want an aggressive detox, you can go on a seven-day juice detox. A juice detox is more aggressive because the digestive system doesn't have to work to digest solid foods. A raw fruit and vegetable diet will consist of all the fruits and vegetables you can eat, but they must be uncooked.
For your juice diet, you will drink only fresh fruit and vegetable juices. You can either invest in a juicer, or there are local smoothie shops that can possibly juice certain fruits and vegetables for you. The first three days are typically the most challenging for most. You may find yourself fatigued or somewhat light-headed. This is merely the toxins being eliminated. It is extremely important you drink plenty of water to help flush out the toxins. Also, refrain from heavy work and exercise during this period. The body is healing and maximizing its nutritional intake. You do not want to over-stress the body.
Completing the Diet
Completing a detox diet is just as important as beginning it. You do not want to spend the eighth day gorging yourself of cooked meats and junk food. Your body will not like it. Not to mention you are missing the benefits of the detox diet. On the eighth day you should feel relaxed, more energetic and focused. Spend that day eating a cooked vegetarian meal if you chose a raw fruit and vegetable diet. If you chose the juice diet, integrate raw fruits and vegetables into your diet. On the ninth and 10th days you should be able to safely go back to eating cooked meats and processed foods, but make sure you do so in moderation. Following these actions will allow you to have a safe and beneficial cleanse. Naturally, before you start any new diet, fast or cleanse, consult your health care practitioner.
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