Cleansing and detox diets are popular plans today. The market has been flooded with a plethora of these get-healthy-quick miracle cures. While many have purchased products such as the Total 7-Day Body Cleanse, people are seeing mixed results. Does them programs offer any benefits?
What Is a Cleansing Diet?
The theory behind cleansing diets is fairly basic. It is thought that through exposure to various contaminants present in our food sources and the environment, our bodies gradually accumulate toxins. A cleansing diet, which typically is a restrictive diet supplemented with herbal extracts, helps bodies purge these toxins and be restored to a more healthful state.
What Is the Total 7-Day Body Cleanse?
The 7-Day Total Body Cleanse is a commercial plan that involves one week of taking in only water, herbal teas, sea salt, and organic fruits and vegetables. This is augmented with a proprietary supplements plan. The program costs about $240, and its promised benefits include increased energy, weight loss and detoxification of the body.
Does the Cleanse Work?
The product mostly consists of roots and herbs, but the main ingredient is fiber. While fiber can flush out the digestive track, it cannot undo years of damage in seven days. These products are sold as nutritional supplements and therefore are outside the control of the Food and Drug Administration. Because of this, manufacturers do not have to prove the claims on their labels. In general, however, there is no tangible evidence that that these programs are any more effective than a regime of balanced diet and moderate exercise.
What Are the Risks?
There is typically little risk in in eating fruits and vegetables for a week with herbal supplements. But some people may be allergic to these herbs, so it is best to examine the labels carefully.
Critics say cleaning diets or detox programs enable some people to feel that years of poor living habits can be undone in a brief time span. This, in turn, could potentially prompt them to continue indulging in bad habits, believing the next cleanse will right whatever wrongs have occurred in the interim.
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