
Saturday, November 30, 2013

The 7 Day Detox

The 7-Day Detox is a health plan aimed at cleansing the body of impurities and toxins. Although there are a variety of 7-Day programs, many claim to cleanse the blood and urinary tract as well as wash away drugs such as cocaine, meth, marijuana, alcohol, nicotine and additional pollutants. If you're considering a 7-Day cleanse, it's important to first learn how the program works.


    Many proponents of 7-Day cleanses claim the ingredients used in the cleanse will purify the body, but it's important to understand the benefits before beginning a master cleanse, should you experience an allergic reaction. Noni, a type of fruit, helps to boost stamina and promote good health, while apple cider vinegar may help prevent cancer and increase weight loss. Many holistic experts claim grapefruit seed is a strong antioxidant with fat-burning capabilities. In addition, pomegranate has been proven to promote cardiovascular health and optimal cell function. In addition, echinacea has long been used to promote the immune system, and green tea extract is considered a strong anti-oxidant.

Consume Cleansing Capsules

    Most companies that sponsor a 7-Day cleanse, including Herbal Clean and 7-Day Detox require patients to take a required capsule twice daily--once in the morning and once in the evening--to start the program. In addition, most companies provide an "Emergency Flush," which claims to rid the body of impurities in under an hour. The capsules contain all-natural ingredients which proponents claim are safe, effective and have been evaluated by a team of nutritionists. These ingredients often include apple cider vinegar, grapefruit seed, pomegranate, riboflavin, green tea, dandelion, red root, licorice root, milk thistle extract, peppermint and echinacea purpurea leaf. Many companies advise patients of a larger body mass to follow the regimen for two consecutive weeks for best results.

Live A Healthy Lifestyle

    In addition to consuming the daily capsules, it's important to live a healthy lifestyle while completing a 7-day cleanse. Because the body is relying on only vitamin capsules, it is essential that you limit physical exercise including any strenuous activity or weight-lifting. Patients undergoing the cleanse should get 6- to 8-hours of sleep. Additionally, patients should drink eight glasses of water a day, and daily showers are recommended while the body is in a cleansing state. Additional toxins, including nicotine, alcohol and illegal drugs should also be avoided during the 7-day cleanse.


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