Though there are a wide variety of medications and supplements on the market that help increase libido, we are surrounded by delicious foods that are just as effective. Foods like bananas and avocados also cost less than drugs, have no side-effects, and don't require a doctor's visit and prescription. Some foods may have immediate effects, while others may take a month of regular consumption to see results. Either way, trying these foods is worth it.
Zinc is essential for testosterone production in men and women, which results in an increased libido, as well as production of healthy sperm. Women who have a zinc deficiency have been known to completely lose their sex drive.
Zinc can be found in oysters--a traditional aphrodisiac, pine nuts, cheese, turkey, brown rice, pumpkin seeds, steak, beans and oats. According to Ellen Kamhi, author of "The Natural Guide to Great Sex: Improve Your Love Life with Nature's Alternatives to HRT and Viagra," all men should eat one bowl of oatmeal a day.
Foods Rich in B-Vitamins
The B-vitamins affect blood flow to bodily locations like the genitals, and increase energy and libido. Bananas are one excellent source of B-vitamins and the enzyme bromelain, which affects libido and impotence for men. Avocados increase men's hormone production and increase energy. Eggs are useful for balancing hormone levels and relieving stress. Asparagus is also rich in B-vitamins. Fish, like salmon and mackerel, is rich in Omega-3 fatty acids, as is flax seed, which boosts blood flow.
Additional Options
Chocolate is well-known as an aphrodisiac; containing phenethylamine, it's a sure way to get the "in love" feeling. Garlic is useful for increasing blood flow and increases libido, as are figs. Nuts, particularly almonds (that have a scent that may possibly cause arousal in women), contain fatty acids that assist in men's hormone production. Celery is a great choice--it contains androsterone, an odorless hormone men naturally produce that excites women. Watermelon contains citrulline, which not only increases blood flow, but also relaxes blood vessels, much like Viagra. Chilies are a great option for increasing libido because they contain capsaicin which affects blood flow and releases mood-enhancing endorphins.
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